At St Luke’s C of E Primary School, we promote the Christian Values of Love, Courage and Hope. As a school community, we celebrate that there is something wonderful and unique in every person and we value the abilities and achievements of all our pupils. This ethos enables the participation and involvement of all our pupils.

For children with special educational needs and/or disabilities we focus on meeting each child's needs and believe that early intervention and bespoke plans are key to ensuring children achieve their full potential. ‘Closing the gap’ strategies are employed to allow children to make progress from their starting point and keep up or work alongside their peers where appropriate. We work hard to ensure that all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, make good progress. We enjoy working closely with parents and carers and a wide range of outside agencies to enable all staff to make the best possible provision.

If you have any questions about inclusion at our school, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Our SENDCo and Inclusion leader is Mrs Sally Mitchell.

Any queries should, in the first instance, be directed to the class teacher.