Coastal Learning Partnership is the admissions authority for its member schools. Admissions policies are determined by the Trust Board in line with requirements of the Schools Admissions Code. Coastal Learning Partnership works closely with the relevant Local Authorities in the administration of its determined admissions policies. From this page, you can access everything that you require to apply for a place at any school within the Partnership, including direct links to information with the relevant Local Authority.
If you are a prospective parent you should telephone the school office to arrange an appointment to view the school. A member of staff will be pleased to show you and your child around and answer any queries you might have. Alternatively you may wish to attend one of the school’s open mornings held in October and November.
If your child is refused a place you are entitled to appeal to an independent appeals panel. Please contact the school office for more information. We have an extensive pre-school and induction programme that is detailed in our Early Years Policy. This is available for inspection on request.
Parents of children already at another school, who wish to transfer to St Luke’s, are advised to speak to their present Head Teacher first. A visit can then be arranged by telephoning to make an appointment.
Arrangements for the admission of pupils with disabilities
As stated in the admissions policy, places are offered to all applicants irrespective of gender, religion, ethnicity or country of origin, disability or academic ability. The policy also states that in line with the SEN Code of Practice, the Governors are legally required to admit a child with a statement of special needs issued by the local authority. Therefore a pupil with disability faces no disadvantage with regards to admission to the school. If a child with disability seeks admission to the school, we would ask you to give as much information as possible in advance regarding their disability in order to ensure that reasonable adjustment has been made by the time the child was admitted.
Steps taken to prevent disabled pupils being treated less favourably than other pupils
The school has an accessibility plan which is regularly monitored and updated and which takes into account the delivery of curriculum, physical accessibility and communication. Staff are aware of their responsibility to make reasonable adjustments and to ensure that disabled pupils are not treated less favourably. Staff training is arranged as appropriate.
Transferring to other schools
When your child leaves us at the end of Year 6 they will transfer to a local Secondary School. There will be detailed information and help for you and your child during their final year to ensure a smooth transfer to the next stage of their education.
Appealing for a place at this school
If you have been refused a place at this school and are thinking of appealing, please click here.