At St. Luke’s, incidents of bullying are taken seriously and is not tolerated. Bullying may be seen as deliberate, hurtful behaviour that is usually repeated over a period of time, often where it is difficult for those bullied to defend themselves.

Reports of bulling are swiftly recorded and followed up through communications between children, parents and staff. This ensures our school is a happy and safe environment where all children can flourish. We teach children to tell an adult as soon as bullying takes place and we aim to use a restorative approach to behaviour.

Over and above expectations

Our school rules, ready, respectful and safe underpin the positive behaviours that we expect of our children in their learning and play. Adults throughout the school model our school rules and continuously use them to build positive relationships with children.

In addition are our prevention strategies:

  • Assemblies and worship: learning about our core values
  • Anti-bullying displays across the school.
  • PSHE lessons across the year.
  • Family Support Worker and ELSA sessions
  • Anti-bullying week and e-safety week
  • STOP – ‘several times on purpose’ and ‘start telling other people’

Types of bullying

Children are taught to know that all kinds of bullying are wrong because they affect the rights of others and recognise that bullying is repetitive:

  • Physical abuse – hitting, kicking, pinching, hair pulling etc.
  • Verbal abuse – teasing, name calling, sarcasm, threats, racist or sexist comments
  • Emotional abuse – ridicule, tormenting, ignoring or humiliation
  • Cyber Bullying – the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person.
